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Hey guys, welcome back. So it feels like forever since I’ve written a post but it’s only been three days. My last few were scheduled because I was away over the weekend which we’ll get to in a bit. But I did manage to keep up with all the lovely posts in our reader thanks to the dining hall actually having decent wifi.

My trip was great actually. I had a lot of fun and actually wasn’t as emotionally drained as I thought I’d be. I did manage to find enough alone time to recharge each day so that was really nice.

We did plenty of activities including a hike, zip-line, the “glider” where they put you in a harness attached to two cables and the drop you from like 20 feet up so you swing between two trees, as well as arts and crafts and an obstacle course.

I took a couple pictures but not too many as it was a very distinct place and I wouldn’t want to give away my location or anything like that. Hopefully I can show you the few “artsy” pictures I took tomorrow.

Other than that this week I am planning on helping Lyss get back into the whole blogging thing. She has felt so bad about not posting and then she went on a trip as well which I’ll let her tell you about.

Last week our first marking period ended at school which is crazy to me. Our grades are being posted online by Friday and I’m kind of anxious to see them. A lot of my teachers don’t often post grades so I’m never positive on how I did on something which, yes, is annoying but I manage. I know I didn’t do too well in tech but I largely blame the teacher for that. (This is a story for another time)

Woah, this is already getting a bit long. I think I’m going to cut it off here. Sorry for it being a bit boring I am so tired from this weekend and it’s pretty late so I’m going to head to bed. Thanks for reading.

See ya soon!!!



Author: lyssndani

hey welcome to our blog! We are formally known as Alyssa and Danielle but on here you can call u Lyss and Dani. We usually blog when we can and when we do it’s usually some bullshit. But it’s our bullshit that we would love to share with you, welcome to the club!!

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