Happy New Year?

Hey guys welcome back. So OMG, it’s new years eve. It does not feel like it. All the snow that we got the other day has sadly melted and it doesn’t feel like December 31st. 2015 has been a pretty big year for me. A lot has happened. Blog wise, you can check out the summary that we got from WordPress by clicking here. I’ve seen some people break down the year month by month but I can’t remember that far back and it would literally take all of 2016 for me to write that. And I’ve got other things to do.

Highlights of 2015:

I completed my first year of middle school including 4 final exams, 6 total days of standardized testing, and actually making high honor roll all 4 quarters. That deserves some recognition.

I met three of my favorite YouTubers including Connor Franta, Lilly Singh, and Tyler Oakley.

I spent 5 days in the beautiful state of Rhode Island and had an awesome time.

On July 27th, I decided to FaceTime a friend named Liss and create a blog! Which by the way I still haven’t told my parents about.

I began 7th grade.

I went on a weekend trip with my girl scout troop and crated a ton of jokes that we will laugh about for a long time.

On that same girl scout trip, I jumped off a 40 foot tower! It was zip-lining.

I turned 13 and felt really old when my friend gave me a bunch of pictures of us through the years.

Goals For 2016:

  1. Finally tell my mom about the blog
  2. Be a healthy person
  3. Work my butt off in dance and make it my best year ever
  4. Speak my mind and say what I feel
  5. Conquer my anxiety

Okay guys that is it. My final post of 2015, I am so excited for the New Year and I hope I can make it my best year yet. Thank you for reading and have a great rest of your day or night.

See ya next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



2015 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,300 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 22 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Not very Eventful

Hey guys so today was not a very eventful day it involved me sleeping until 10:45 waiting for my mom to get back from Physical therapy and watching youtube

So tomorrow is New Years Eve and I dread this day

Why? One simple reason.

I get so tired from staying up until 12:00 which is sad, We go to places I don’t wanna go because they’re boring and because I wake up feeling like crap

It is my least favorite holiday. Like I do not wanna stay up celebrating a new year where I know that it’s just a ticket to another birthday and getting older


So I’m gonna hang out with my friends at 1 until who knows when and it’s gonna be alright and yeah I am gonna play some video games now

So enjoy the rest of your day!



Hey guys welcome back. So yesterday I posted the blogger recognition award and it went up way earlier than I had scheduled it to. Oh well. Yesterday I was feeling super productive but today, not so much.

I finished my short story yesterday and hung out with Liss for a while. By the way, I have found that Liss really is more of a sister than a friend. We yell at each other for stupid things constantly. Yesterday I was mad because she was destroying my clean room. *sigh*

Other then that I pretty much worked on a project for school and enjoyed the finally cold weather. IT ACTUALLY SNOWED YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy when I woke up.

But then today, I’m not having the best day. I woke up late and went out to the living room to sit on the couch. After an hour, whoever else was on the couch, i’m not even sure who, got up. So I lied down. Then, one of my brothers, who is still being difficult, came over screamed at me, and kicked me in attempts to get me off the couch. He continued to yell at me and I finally got up and went to my room. I only left to eat breakfast and I’ve been in my room since. I now have to decide whether or not i’m actually going to do something with my day. I really, really, want to go visit my Aunt but I don’t think that can happen. I have to find something else.

I guess I’m having one of those days where I just want to be left alone and no one seems to want to let that happen. Anyway thank you for reading and I’m sorry for ranting I just really needed to get this out of my head. I hope you have a great rest of your day or night.

See ya soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Hey guys so today I went to a baseball game and this girl who I despise was there.

Now this girl is fun to be around when alone but with other people- WHEW forget about it she acts like I don’t exist

So she’s two faced and bossy so for the 3 hours I was at my bros baseball game(in December yes) she acted like I was dirt

Ugh this is why I’m aintisocial well god

So I hung with dani today and got attacked-


So that is all for today I’m super tired

I also found out my friend is switching to my high school!!



Blogger Recognition Award

Hey guys welcome back. So yesterday Liss and I were nominated by the wonderful notsoanonymousmermaid to do the blogger recognition award. Thanks so much to her and please go check out her blog it is amazing!

The Rules

♥ Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

♥ Write a post to show your award. Attach the award to the post.

♥ Give a brief story of how your blog started.

♥ Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers.

♥ Select 10 other blogs you want to give the award to.

How we got started

Basically, school had let out for the summer and we were hanging out with a friend one day. That friend said something along the lines of, ” One day, we should all go to VidCon in California together.” If you don’t know VidCon is an annual social media convention in L.A. So, Liss and I started doing a ton of research mostly about how to raise money. We were on FaceTime and Liss came across someone who made a living off blogging. So she said, “maybe we can do that. I remember one of our teachers using a blogging site one time. I’ll see if I can find that.” Now, Liss never found that site, but she did find WordPress.com and I couldn’t be more grateful for that. We have met so many cool people.

My advice for new bloggers

Now, having blogged for 6 months I think I am an expert on this topic. ( that was complete sarcasm ) But, I do have some tips.

  1. Don’t get caught up in numbers. I know how easy it is to measure success by likes and followers but try not to. I personally prefer the feedback we get. The comments on our posts saying things like good job, and the response to any advice we may offer to someone else when they need it. I like knowing when certain things make people enjoy the post more.
  2. Don’t be afraid to express your feelings. I haven’t encountered a single judgmental person on this site. If you’ve had a bad day and really want to blog about it, go right ahead. It helps to write down your feelings and it is very likely you will receive great advice.
  3. Become friendly with people who visit your blog regularly. By simply replying to comments and looking at the persons blog, you can become friends with that person. It is so cool and I highly recommend that you try this.

I nominate anyone who wants to do this because I have yet to discover some new blogs. Anyway thanks for reading & have a great rest of your day or night.

See ya soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Movie time!

hey guys so today I woke up at 10:30 and played sims.. Patterns

So I waited until 2:15 to get dressed because I had to leave at 2:45 for a movie with my two friends L and Y

We saw the movie daddy’s home and it was so funny I laughed so hard

We saw people we knew at the movie theater and it was scary.

So anyways I’m on the sims right now listening to some music and just chilling out

Me and my friends walked around the mall earlier so that was fun and yeah tell me how your Monday was in the comments! 

Also we got the contact page up so check that out!


A Relaxed Monday

Hey guys welcome back. So today I haven’t done much of anything but I am feeling very motivated to achieve my daily goals,

  1. Exercise ( ankles included )
  2. Clean my room
  3. Practice for dance

Today is Monday and on Mondays I usually have dance. But sadly not today, we are off until the new year. I am experiencing a bit of dance withdrawal and it’s not good. So, I am going to have to practice some of our new steps or find a routine I can learn on YouTube, something to make me feel better.

My friend also recommended the movie Expelled to me so I have been watching that and trying to catch up on some YouTube channels today. It is finally feeling a bit colder in our state and I am so happy! I think after I finish everything I’ll take a nice warm bath and watch the movie over the side of the tub… I don’t know, it seems a little risky.

Okay im kind of freaking out now because my computer has the option to use it as a touch screen and you can choose the kind of on-screen keyboard you want to use. I just discovered that there is an option to write what you want to type.   Oh my gosh this is so cool! I’m writing this on my screen & it is turning into text!!!! I’m totally using this for a while.

Anyway guys that is it for today. I hope you enjoyed this. Thank you for reading & have a great rest of your day or night.

See ya soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Our 6 Month Anniversary!!!!!!

Hey guys welcome back! So I am here today with Liss! We are super happy/excited today because it is our 6 month anniversary! YAY!!!  Yes 6 months ago, on July 27th, we decided to start this very blog.

Now you may have noticed some changes to the blog and we did that for our anniversary. We changed the colors put an image up top. We also changed our picture and no, that’s not us. We got it off google. And, we have changed our personal deadline from 8:30 to 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.

We tried to add a contact thing next to about but couldn’t figure it out. If you know how please let us know.

So that was Dani^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Now it’s Liss and I wanted to just say that we also added snow!!! I love it so much and we finally figured that out! But for real can you guys tell us about the contact option thingy

So now we are gonna just write a long paragraph together

Thank you so much for your support, friendship, and for being our family. We might not even know each other but getting to know each other through words is absolutely incredible! We have loved this experience and are so grateful to have such supportive and caring friends. We hope that this can continue for years to come and hope you guys enjoy every minute of it like we do!

I just sat on Dani’s ipod and she said its warm- Umm okay

Anyways we are so happy you all enjoy us and we will be here for you guys for as long as you are here for us! We love your support and kindness towards us! We hope you had a fantastic day, week, month, life!!!!!

Love you guys so much ❤

~Liss 🙂 and Dani ❤


So today I woke up at 9:30 which is a new accomplishment for me because over the past few days I’ve been waking up at 10:30 and this is early for me

So anyways today I just played Sims for 3 hours and then at 1 got dressed and played for another 2 hour

My aunt and cousin came to my house from the hamptons and it was good Then as I am on my sims I hear a knock at the door Now my phone was dead all day so I didn’t receive any texts

So its my friend who was taking me to my other friend’s house with Dani from then on we went to the house and had so much fun While Dani made her sims I played Just dance 2015 which was BOMB

We played and danced to some really weird music and had some really weird dance moves which I am still scarred.

So then we ate pizza, cookies and watched Grease

I mocked the girl Sandy and the boy Danny and my friends got a kick out of that which was pretty sad considering my impressions sucked

But that was all!!


~Liss 🙂