Beauty Blogger Award

Hey guys welcome back. So Liss and I have been nominated by the wonderful notsoanonymousmermaid to do the Beauty Blogger Award! Thanks so much for the nomination.

I nominate



Internet Introvert


Sorry if you’ve already been nominated, now you just have a double nomination. 🙂

My Answers

What is your favourite part of your make up routine?  Eyes. I love experimenting with different colors.

If you could only use one make up product everyday what would it be and why?  Mascara.

If you could go to one award ceremony this awards season what one would it be? Kids choice awards. Yes I’m a complete child and I also had no clue what to put down.

Summer or winter?  Winter all the way! I can’t stand it when it’s disgustingly hot out.

What item of clothing is your must have this season? Fuzzy pajamas.

What is your favourite clothing brand/ shop? I’m not much of a shopper but I do like this online store called Delia’s.

If you could only use one brand of make up for the rest of your life what brand would it be and why? I’m going to say Sephora ( that’s a brand right ) because all of my makeup is from there.

What is your favourite perfume? I don’t wear actual perfume but I have a vanilla body splash that I really like.

A hair colour you would love to go? I’ve always said that if I died my hair a natural color, it’d be red so red.

If you could go on a date with one celebrity who would it be and why? I don’t know, Luke Hemmings just because I don’t know who else to say.

My Questions

  1. When do you feel most beautiful?
  2. How often do you wear makeup?
  3. Do you believe there is a difference between pretty and beautiful?
  4. Would you ever dye your hair an unnatural color? If so what would it be?
  5. What is your favorite band?
  6. Do you prefer the heat or cold? Why?
  7. If you could only shop in one store forever, what store would It be?
  8. What is your favorite makeup product?
  9. What is your favorite makeup brand?
  10. What’s your favorite clothing item?

Okay guys that’s it. I hope you enjoyed this post because I spent quite a bit of time on it. Thank you for reading and have a great rest of your day or night.

See ya soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







Versatile Award!!!

Hey guys. So yesterday Dani and I were nominated by the AMAZING yellow_giraf280 to do the versatile blogger award.

The rules:
Thank the person that nominated you and include a link to their blog.
– Nominate at least 15 blogs of your choice.
– Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination.
– Share 7 facts about yourself!

My nominees are:

not so anonymous mermaid






I know it says 15 but I don’t read 15 blogs like Dani said so this is good for now. So now some facts about moi.

1.I am extremely extroverted and proud. You ask me to do something your too shy to do, I am on it! As long if it’s reasonable

2.I am German, Russian, Polish, and some Swedish.

3. I develop crushes very easily. Now that sounds silly, but believe me when I say oh it happens.

4.I am attracted to things that are attracted to me. Say for example my experience with that boy who asked me out, for a second I got overwhelmed and my head was like do you like him because he likes you? Turns out NO WAY Sorry but you are very.. RUDE!

5.I AM A PROCRASTINATOR.. nothing to be said about that

6.I want to do so many things when I grow up, interior deigning, write a book, be a singer,Sometimes when i feel like it… A teacher.

7. And, my main goal in life is to have everyone I know smile by me making them.. That is how I developed my sense of humor. But I gotta say sometimes I crack myself up.. OKAY MOVING ON.

Blogmas in a few minutes!!!

~Liss ❤

How cool?

imagine you could create your own dinosaur.

Like how cool would that be.

It followed you everywhere it didn’t turn on you it ate everyone U didn’t like.

Like I would make them eat everyone..

Except a few people of course but a large population of them

I’m talking about real life like if they came back.

I would take a raptor any day only if Chris Pratt was the trainer though.

Just imagine.

I can imagine riding into the sunset on my raptor Chris Pratt next to me.

Anyways today I played the game pretty pretty princess with my baby brother and he won (on purpose)

I also stayed up doing homework last night so sorry for not blogging

Not my fault my teachers suck


I’m watching jurrasic world again

And my cousins are sleeping over

And I got this out on time!



So done

im so tired I kid you not I woke up at 6:30 to do homework after staying up until 11:30 doing homework and honesty thank god it’s Friday. 

I also had to deal with this crap that this girl (M)was saying she hated this other girl (S)to me. So s asked me does m like her and m said she hates s. So I had to carry that message via text to S. She was freaking out because her only friends just admitted to hating her. So I comforted her and brought her out of her slump and she is moving on. I also agreed to be her friend because she’s actually nice and M is so rude. 

What a day tgif

I also got a final callback for the play.



Jurassic fright!

hey guys I just finished watching Jurassic world…


Anyways that was not the point of this blog. This blog is about what went down today.

So today I decided to go to a practice for my audition on Thursday for the school play. So in previous practices this girl who is also trying out goes the same days I go.

 Long story short she’s really really sweet. So today I sang in front of her and my chorus teacher again and the first time the girl told me my voice was amazing. She has a very amazing voice as well. But today I finished and then it was her turn to sing. 

She told us she hadn’t practiced and he didn’t want to sing it. When we asked her why she said her parents wanted her to do the play and she was nervous to sing in front of us two. She burst out in tears sayin how she didn’t want to disappoint her parents and her parents called her a quitter when she wanted to back out.

And I felt so flipping bad because I know that feeling and it sucks and this girl had such bad stage fright and it And it me wonder how come I never gotten stagefright?

It’s because I was exposed to it at a young age and got over it. But it’s not that simple for others. So my advice is go out of your comfort zone and do what pleases you. 🙂

-Liss ❤

Dani’s nose is running

hey guys I’m in dani’s house and she doesn’t know it

I hear her laughing like what even?








Have you ever been arrested?

Can u please bail me out?

Save a homie?

Dani came to bail me out and told me to get my creative juices a flow.

I killed her.

So know it’s just Liss

Jk jk jk

But seriously I have no clue what to blog about so tomorrow I’ll be more creative but hopefully that made u smile a little bit. With that spelling mistake, there instead of their.

I’m sleeping over dani’s house 

And I went to a Chinese restaurant bathroom and I thought I was gonna die because someone was banging on the door for like the whole ten minutes I was in there and when I got out no one was out there. What even?

Anyways I’m tired so I’ll blog more tomorrow 

-Liss 🙂

Sunshine Blogger Award!!!

Hey Guys!!!The Lovely,amazing,wonderful  scoutingtheyearaway nominated dani and I to do the sunshine blogger award. Dani already did her blog but me I’m so slow it’s not even funny.But here’s the rules


– Thank the person who nominated you.

– Answer the questions from your nominators.

– Nominate 11 bloggers and set them 11 questions (different to the ones your nominator/s asked you) to answer.
 Let’s get to it!

1. What is your favorite type of music?
 probably Pop,soft, or anything Adele. I love u Adele ❤

2. Favorite place to be in the world? With my family and friends. I love them to death

3. Who is your idol and why? I think it would be Adele. Adele blew out her vocal cords but came back with killer song. ( )

4. Describe your personality in three words: funny,outgoing, shameless 

5. Best experience of your life so far? Probably seeing YouTube and its wonders. Honestly without YouTube where would I get my entertainment from? Wherever would I watch my videos? And further more reruns of oprah?

6. What is your favorite Christmas or Halloween and why? Christmas all the way sorry Halloween! Christmas gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. Ya know? All the cinnamon everything? Yum!

7. Have you ever been camping,if so did you like it or not?
 Yes I have been camping and yes I loved it! Just being outside in the nature and sleeping under the stars makes me feel so comforted.

8. If you could change one thing in the world what would it be and why?  Probably to get rid of labels. Like to instead of labeling someone as a nerd,gross, or stupid we could just say hmm. I dont know maybe a human? 

9. Are you left or right handed?  I’m a righty but I want to try writing with my left hand as good as I write with my right hand. Mainly so I could be like look at me I’m special 🙂

10. What is your all-time favourite film and why? Probably night of the Museum. I’ve seen all the movies and cried for them and it is just such a good film and I’m so upset how another won’t be coming out. Rip Robin Williams 

11. Do you prefer hot drinks or cold drinks? Cold drinks. They are refreshing and hot drinks make me silly to my stomach.

The next step is to nominate 11 bloggers but I don’t read 11 blogs so I nominate aastrological and anyone else who read this and wants o participate. Your questions:

1. Favorite season?

2.Your personality?

3.I you could sleep under the stars without any disturbance would you?

4.Have you ever regretted anything?If so would you go and change it?

5. What Netflix series are you currently on if you have netflix?

6. Favorite animal and why?

7.Favorite day of the week? 

8.Mommy or daddy’s boy/girl?

9.Do you believe 11:11 works?

10.Favorite clothing items (shirt,pants, Shoes?)

11.If you could be one age forever what age would you be?

That’s it love u guys and I’m so excited for next school quarter on Monday I have art!


The Sunshine Blogger Award!

Hey guys welcome back. So when you’re reading this it’s Friday and I’m on my way to my girl scout weekend adventure, probably sitting in a car attempting to do my homework. But two days ago the wonderful scoutingtheyearaway nominated Liss and I to do the sunshine blogger award. Thanks so much to her! So lets get some stuff out of the way before we begin.

– Thank the person who nominated you.
– Answer the questions from your nominators.
– Nominate 11 bloggers and set them 11 questions (different to the ones your nominator/s asked you) to answer.

Now that that’s out of the way, lets get to the questions we were asked.

1. What is your favorite type of music? My favorite type of music is probably pop, idk I guess whatever the stuff on the radio is.
2. Favorite place to be in the world? At home snuggled in bed all cozy and happy
3. Who is your idol and why? This is actually a really tough one, one of them has got to be Demi Lavato because of all that she has overcome. There are at least two more I can’t think of off the top of my head.
4. Describe your personality in three words: introvert, logical, creative
5. Best experience of your life so far? Hmm, probably this blog if i’m honest. I could be having the worst day of all time but knowing I agreed to try this, makes me feel like i’m on top of the world.
6. What is your favorite Christmas or Halloween and why? Hard question but i’m going to go with Christmas because I always feel so warm and cozy during the holiday season.

7. Have you ever been camping,if so did you like it or not? I have been camping and I really enjoyed it the first time. The second time it was really hot and there were literally thousands of bus around us.
8. If you could change one thing in the world what would it be and why? I would make people less horrible to one another. I feel like that would solve a ton of problems.
9. Are you left or right handed? I’m right handed but I want to train my left hand as well just in case. You never know what if I break my right hand one day?
10. What is your all-time favourite film and why? Probably the original Madagascar movie because I’ve been watching it since I was like a fetus and I have always loved it.
11. Do you prefer hot drinks or cold drinks? Cold drinks I don’t know why I just do.

The next step is to nominate 11 bloggers but I don’t read 11 blogs so I nominate aastrological as always and anyone else who wants to do it. Your questions are:

  1. If you could live anywhere for a year where would it be?
  2. Would you rather travel to the past or the future?
  3. What color best describes you on a typical day?
  4. What is your ultimate goal to achieve by the time you are 25?
  5. What is the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make?
  6. Craziest thing you’ve ever done?
  7. Do you where glasses/contacts?
  8. Scariest thing you’ve ever witnessed?
  9. What is your most recently used emoji?
  10. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
  11. What made you want to start a blog?

Okay that’s it. I have to write 2 more posts now so I got to go but thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

See ya soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well crazy things

hey guys I’m the new student council president!!

I got to speak on the announcement speaker which no one heard!


But anyways I had an English test today which I got an 89 on.

Im trying out for the play on Monday its beauty and the beast and I have no idea what I’m going to sing. I’m super nervous so leave some suggestions for songs down below for mezzo sopranos? 

Eh. Okay so these two days have been 


Granted today I witnessed the great start to an relationship.

Anyways I was in tech. And these two kids Vincent(VM) and Adam are two trouble making friends. They are so close and always joke with people dropping hints (joking wise) that they are a “thing”

So my teacher called us up to the example desk and I basically was just standing there and I watch Adam come over to Vincent. Then what happened next slayed me.

Adam reaches down and gently grabs Vincent’s butt. 

I look over mortified and I see Vincent’s face. 

Smiling and he just took it.. I was just standing there laughing to myself the whole rest of the period.

And it’s not like I’m against gay anything in fact let’s all just accept gay.

But this was different. They are not gay (I think) and they just joke tih each other so it’s so funny in a way.

You have to actually know the kids to get the funny part about it.

Anyways I’m tired and I gtg do hw


Goldfish In the morning

i eating some rainbow goldfish and its 8:29 

I am really bored but listening to a good country song that my friend is playing.

 My bus is about to come any second but I just wanted to say u will get a blog today besides this!!

